MacPhee and Partners Transition to Diktamen Digital Dictation 

MacPhee and Partners, with offices in Fort William, Oban, and Tiree, and a strong commitment to supporting remote working, have successfully transitioned to Diktamen Digital Dictation. This significant move, from an on-premise hosted dictation system to a cloud-based solution, has enhanced mobility, security and workflow efficiency across the firm. 

Embracing Flexibility and Reliability 

Recognising the need for a more flexible and reliable dictation system, MacPhee and Partners embarked on a thorough evaluation of digital dictation solutions. Their goal was to find a cloud-based platform that would not only integrate seamlessly with their existing infrastructure but also offer enhanced mobility and security. 

Seamless Transition with Existing Hardware 

After trialing Diktamen from a recommendation from Welgo (Business Support & Solutions), MacPhee and Partners discovered that a cloud-based solution provided far more flexibility than their previous system. A key benefit of Diktamen was the ability to utilise their existing dictation hardware, eliminating the need for costly replacements and ensuring a smooth transition. 

Enhanced Workflow Across Offices 

The adoption of Diktamen has enabled MacPhee and Partners to streamline their workflow processes, allowing seamless movement of work between their offices in Fort William, Oban, and Tiree. This mobility ensures that their team can collaborate effectively, whether working from the office or remotely, resulting in improved productivity and reliability. 

MacPhee and Partners Swift Results 

  • Streamlined Workflows: Faster case handling and better time management. 
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Seamless access to dictations boosts teamwork. 
  • Cost Savings: Significant financial gains by using existing hardware and Diktamen’s reduced licensee fee.  


Claire MacAlpin, Partner at MacPhee and Partners: 

“Transitioning to Diktamen has been a very positive experience for us. The flexibility and reliability of the cloud-based system has significantly enhanced our workflow. The fact that we could continue using our existing dictation hardware made the transition seamless and cost-effective. Diktamen’s solution has enabled us to move work efficiently between our offices and support our remote working practices.” 

Joe DiCarlo, UK Channel Sales Director at Diktamen: 

“We are thrilled to welcome MacPhee and Partners to the Diktamen family. Their transition to our digital dictation platform highlights the importance of flexibility and reliability in modern legal practices. We look forward to supporting MacPhee and Partners in achieving their operational goals and enhancing their workflow efficiency. Our partnership with MacPhee and Partners is just beginning, and we are excited about the future possibilities.” 

Brian Gordon, IT Support and Software Provider at Welgo: 

“At Welgo, we recommended Diktamen to MacPhee and Partners as a robust and flexible alternative to their previous system. Diktamen’s ability to integrate seamlessly with existing hardware and its advanced cloud-based features made it the ideal choice for enhancing their operational efficiency. We are pleased to see the positive impact Diktamen has had on their workflow and productivity.” 

About MacPhee and Partners 

MacPhee and Partners is a leading law firm with offices in Fort William, Oban, and Tiree, providing a comprehensive range of legal services. Their commitment to delivering exceptional service to clients is supported by their adoption of innovative technologies and dedication to continuous improvement. 

For more information, visit MacPhee and Partners

Looking to migrate to the cloud?

Explore how Diktamen can enhance your firm’s productivity and security. Contact us today to learn more about our tailored solutions for the legal profession.