Welcome to Diktamen FAQ
Explore our FAQ to find answers to common questions about Diktamen’s features, free trial, demo sessions, software installation, and security. We’ve organized the information for easy navigation. If you need further assistance, our support team is here to help.
Our demo sessions are tailored to your preferences but usually last around 30-45 minutes.
No, our demos are complimentary and obligation-free.
Prepare any specific questions or scenarios you’d like to cover during the demo.
If you need to reschedule or cancel a demo, please let us know.
Yes, feel free to invite colleagues or decision-makers from your organisation to join the demo.
Yes, we have many referenceable client – which we are happy to share in your demo.
Free Trial
Our free trial provides full access to Diktamen True Cloud Dictation for a limited time. You can experience all the features and benefits.
Yes, you can extend the trial duration if you require more time to evaluate the software.
No, we don’t require credit card information for the free trial. It’s risk-free.
If you choose not to subscribe, your data and settings will be securely archived.
Absolutely, you can invite team members to collaborate with you during the free trial period.
Normally we will have a 10 minute meeting to discuss your requirements and set up.
Yes, there’s a mobile app. Download it from your app store and follow on-screen instructions.
Installation times vary but are usually quick.
Yes, you can install Diktamen on multiple devices using a single user account, allowing you to work seamlessly across different platforms.
Yes, you can install Diktamen on multiple devices using a single user account, allowing you to work seamlessly across different platforms.
We regularly update Diktamen to address security vulnerabilities, and updates are applied automatically for your data’s safety.
Yes, 2FA is available for enhanced login security.
Diktamen uses industry-standard encryption to secure data during transmission and storage.
Yes, Diktamen complies with various data security regulations and standards.
Robust access control mechanisms and strict authentication protocols prevent unauthorized access to your data.
Yes, please see our certificate here.
Yes, they will be stored in our London data center.
Still Have Questions?
If you haven’t found the answers you’re seeking, please reach our team. Our friendly team of seasoned Diktamen experts, are here to provide you with swift and tailored answers to your enquiries. Simply drop us a message, and our team will be in touch promptly to assist you.