Hempsons Solicitors Transition to Diktamen

Hempsons Solicitors transition to Diktamen Digital Dictation. This move aimed at optimising workflow processes and driving operational excellence within the firm. This strategic decision underscores Hempsons Solicitors’ commitment to embracing a cloud dictation solution to streamline internal operations.

Meeting the Challenge: Advancing Workflow Efficiency

In their continuous pursuit of service excellence. Hempsons Solicitors recognised the need for a digital dictation solution that could enhance their workflow efficiency. They wanted a solution that would seamlessly integrate into their existing infrastructure while providing flexibility and accessibility to improve productivity.

Diktamen: Empowering Operational Productivity

After thorough evaluation of the UK dictation suppliers, Hempsons Solicitors selected Diktamen Digital Dictation as the ideal platform to drive their efficiency initiatives forward. Diktamen’s reputation for reliability, simplicity, and advanced features made it the clear choice to meet the firm’s evolving needs.

Seamless Integration for Optimal Performance

The integration of Diktamen into Hempsons Solicitors’ workflow was seamless, with minimal disruption to daily operations. The platform seamlessly integrated with existing systems, providing the team with immediate access to powerful productivity tools to streamline their work processes.

Unparalleled Flexibility and Accessibility

One of the key advantages of Diktamen is its cloud-based nature, offering unparalleled flexibility and accessibility to team members. Whether in the office, at home, or on the go, Hempsons Solicitors’ staff can access dictations and collaborate seamlessly, ensuring continuity of work and enhanced productivity.

Driving Transformative Outcomes

The adoption of Diktamen Digital Dictation has already begun to yield transformative outcomes for Hempsons Solicitors. By leveraging the platform’s advanced features and intuitive interface, the firm has streamlined their workflow processes, enabling them to handle cases more efficiently and deliver results faster to their clients.

Testimonial from Hempsons Solicitors:

Hempsons say ‘We had embarked on a number of projects including replacing the firm’s infrastructure with IaaS, rebuilding the entire environment and all incumbent products to best practice on the new high performant platform which would enable the firm to move to a more agile way of working.  Once this was complete and after a settling period, the next stage involved reviewing each application in terms of suitability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness for the firm.  Digital dictation was one of the products we reviewed.  The whole process with the Diktamen team was seamless.  From Proof of Concept to GO LIVE they were attentive and delivered what they promised’.

Joe DiCarlo, UK Channel Sales Director at Diktamen says ‘Hempsons purchase of one of our innovative products is just the beginning. We see it as the start of a partnership and beautiful relationship that will grow and strengthen with time. The experience Hempsons has with Diktamen throughout this partnership means everything to us and is how we ensure we will thrive together. No software solution can reach its full potential without a great team. We are proud to work with a group of exceptionally talented and dedicated individuals.’ 

Hemptons Swift Results

  • Heightened Efficiency: Streamlined workflows led to faster case handling and improved time management.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Seamless access to dictations improved teamwork, coordination, and communication.
  • Cost Savings: Optimised resources resulted in significant financial gains, enabling strategic investments while maintaining financial stability.

About Hempsons Solicitors:

Depth and breadth of expertise and sector knowledge are key to Hempsons success as healthcare lawyers. Complementing the traditional health and social care advice, the firm have extended their offerings to cover a full range of legal services.

Hempsons offer services geared towards their key market sectors to ensure that their clients (both public and private sector), receive the right advice from the right person, at the right time and in a cost-efficient manner. The firm’s health law knowledge means that they quickly get to grips with the key issues facing clients and work with them to deliver the right solution.


Will Your Firm be Another that selects Diktamen?

For those considering optimising their digital dictation solution to support mobile working, Diktamen offers the potential for improved efficiency and flexibility. Begin your journey towards empowering your partners to work on the move today by initiating a free trial.